Zooming User Interface History

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Microfilm readers

Microfilm/microfiche readers have the capability to pan and zoom filmed books and documents. Microfilm is a reel of photos, microfiche is information captured on flat transparent cards.


Often the user has access to the plate holding the screen and can pan by moving the plate itself. Reading a newspaper on a microfilm reader is quite comfortable as headlines make it easy to find relevant articles.

Microfilm newspaper.jpg

After a fierce patent battle in the middle of the nineteenth century microfilm readers were gradually refined. They were used by a few libraries at the end of that century. In 1904 a fire destroyed more than half of manuscripts in the National Library of Turin, so it was decided, that a photographic library would be established in all libraries. 1956 Unesco set up a microfilm unit to film all books and documents in danger of being destroyed. At the end of twentieth century microfilm readers became commonplace in most libraries.

Microfiche gross-800x600.jpg

What can we learn from this? It is not necessary to have digital technology or electricity to benefit from spatial organization of compressed information. Microfiche has easier navigation potential as it uses both horizontal and vertical axis. Finding information in a filmed newspaper can be easier than in books, because of HEADLINES. They function as both signposts and spatial anchors at the same time. They play a major role in structuring information.

Spatial Data Management System 1978

Spatial Management of Information (Spatial Data Management System) was the earliest development connected to a digital zoomable graphical interfaces. It was a joint project in MIT, William C Donelson and Dr Richard A.Bolt participated in it. It facilitated the zooming and panning of:

  • Photographs, diagrams and color slides
  • High quality text
  • Movies, animated sequences
  • Sound as data and navigational aid
  • Hand written and verbal annotations


Three screens were used:

  1. Main Monitor, more than one meter wide
  2. One navigational screen, showing the position of the user
  3. A second navigational screen, showing details about the viewed object

The user could navigate through this virtual space using

  • Two joysticks (common device that time): One on the right hand controlling horizontal and vertical navigation, the other on the left controlling depth/zooming
  • The touch sensitive navigational screen
  • Text could be navigated using “flipping” motions on a joypad located in one arm of the users chair


Although some technical components are obsolete, the setting itself can be considered an advanced way of Human Data Interaction, even in 2013. Elements like touch sensitive navigational screen, dedicated control for zooming, active visualisation of different data types into one virtual space were and are amazing features. “Although the current implementation is new, user response to SDMS has confirmed spatial management of information as an outstanding concept.”

Read the original Siggraph paper for more details. It is from 1978, but much of is is still actual.

What can we learn from this? The nonexistence of well-trodden ways of using computers was a disadvantage and advantage at the same time. At that time only a few thousand engineers and enthusiast were in direct contact with computer equipment. In 1977 the most common way to buy a home computer was to buy a so-called “kit” and assemble it at home. It was like a “wild west” of computer interfaces.

We were however not yet flooded with computer interfaces like desktop computers, notebooks, tablets and cell phones. This meant that not many previous paradigms had to be considered in the development process. In todays world we have a mind-blowing amount of “prior art” that has to be

  • continuously searched for
  • known
  • used if relevant

especially by established companies. We have to have UX specialists versed in many kinds of interfaces and UI trends to create one program on one device. It is like the difference between assembling and legally using a car in 1913 or in 2013.

PAD – PAD++ – JAZZ – PICCOLO2D ZUI toolkit line

According to the Piccolo site in University of Maryland, Ken Perlin — inventor of Perlin noise — at New York University came up with the initial zoomable surface concept. He and David Fox implemented the first versions of Pad (described in the 1993 SIGGRAPH paper available here).

Ben Benderson and Jim Hollan developed PAD further and named it PAD++ at University of New Mexico.

A rewrite in Java was named JAZZ, it was developed by Ben Benderson at University of Maryland. It was a rich toolkit and supported all kinds of features, but it grew too big and thus difficult to use. (for further details click here)


Piccolo, the current incarnation of this line is a direct successor to Jazz. It aims to embody all experience collected during the development of Pad – Padd++ and Jazz. It is still available at http://www.piccolo2d.org.


What can we learn from this? This paper goes into technical details and compares conventional inheritance based GUI models to more flexible, composition based object models. It draws the conclusion, that composition based toolkits worth the invested extra time only, if a larger, more flexible product is needed that is maintained for a long time.

Humane Interface

In 2000 Jeff Raskin publishes Humane Interfaces conceptualizing and propagating ZUIs. He uses the term Zooming Interface Paradigm (ZIP) to describe his system.

Jef-raskin.jpg Book humane interface.png

He finds the words “intuitive” and “natural” elusive and subjective. He states, the attachment to current “working” – window based - GUIs a major drawback in applied interaction design. Current windows based systems are compared to mazes, little rooms and doors inside with confusing labels. Instead he proposes a ZoomWorld interaction, where one has access to “an infinite plane of information having infinite resolution”.

Major properties of this field:

  • “Everything is you can access is displayed somewhere on ZoomWorld, whether it is on your computer, on a local network to which your computer is attached, or on a network of networks, such as the Internet.
  • The overall metaphor is one of flying, climbing to zoom out and diving to zoom in. One navigates both by flying above ZoomWorld and by doing content searches.
  • This system readily permits labels to be attached to images or collections of images, yet does not impose any structure, hierarchical or otherwise beyond association due to proximity.
  • One can have a number of views with the same data because screen real estate poses no problem

Primary navigation is not by scroll bars or by little zoom in/zoom out icons or menu items. Instead mouse buttons or additional graphical input devices can be used to zoom in and out for agile navigation. According to the author “The zooming interface paradigm can replace the browser, the desktop metaphor and the traditional operating system”.

Humane interface zoomdemo 500px.png

What we can learn from this: A zooming interface has similar problems to other user interfaces. For example characters are too small to be easily read. The solution of changing character size instead of zooming can effectively destroy predefined layout. Maybe a system with optimized columns could work for both desktop and handheld screens. Desktops could show many columns at once while pocket-sized screens could just show one column at a time with easy navigation between columns.

Zooming speed and perceived continuousness is crucial by these interfaces. Jef Raskin proposes at least a factor of 2 per second navigation to and from the cursor position. I evaluate this as the following: by active zooming all visible artifacts gets at least double size per second without losing any frames. (Framerate should be at least 30 fps) I would add, that continuousness and seamlessness of the zooming experience is more important than the exact depiction of zoomed objects. Additional details can be rendered onto the screen later, like images can get depicted in a low resolution first and later refined.

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