Fully autonomous AI trams and trains coming

Fully autonomous AI trams and trains coming

I thought in 2018 we will see tons of new machine learning and deep learning projects each month, but it seemed to me that June and July was a bit  calm in this regard. Of course I concentrate on AI projects that can have a direct practical effect on our lives....

Still relevant SAP and ABAP tipps and tricks

Web Dynpro for ABAP Tips and Tricks / Best Practices 2010 https://zbalai.com/_abap/content/420_web_dynpro_for_abap_tips_and_tricks/Web_Dynpro_for_ABAP_Tips_and_Tricks_V07.pdf   SAP PI/XI Interface Problems and Solutions...
Noteworthy Deep Learning Projects 2018 May

Noteworthy Deep Learning Projects 2018 May

Each month there are new practical uses of machine learning and deep learning. Here we are concentrating on useful projects, like recognizing missing children, writing emails ten times faster or even a computer phoning automatically to make an appointment. If you need...